Title: "WAR FOR ENERGY, WATER, AND FOOD" By Diabolus Thematic Description: In this chilling and thought-provoking graphics series, Diabolus dives deep into the tumultuous world of resource scarcity and the relentless struggles that ensue in the pursuit of survival. The canvas becomes a battlefield, where the clash for dominance over energy, water, and food unfolds with stark intensity. 1. Energy Wars: Witness the geopolitical chessboard where nations, depicted as power-hungry titans, engage in a relentless battle for control over energy resources. Darkened skies and swirling storms symbolize the turbulence of this conflict. 2. Water Scarcity: The arid landscapes tell a story of desolation as communities fight over dwindling water sources. The once-abundant rivers now reduced to mere trickles, reflecting the harsh reality of a world grappling with water scarcity. 3. Food Security Challenges: Fields of plenty transformed into battlegrounds, this segment portrays the struggle for food resources. The soil stained with the metaphorical blood of those contending for sustenance, emphasizing the harsh choices faced in a world on the brink.